
Mother's Parity
Perineum Rupture


Rupture of the perineum is a rupture that occurs in the perineum almost in all first labor and not infrequently in subsequent labor. Based on data obtained in Puskesmas Batulicin 1 recorded as many as 351 maternity mothers and rine perineum incidence amounted to 165 people which is the highest case during 2016. Parity is a woman who had given birth to a baby alive and dead. This study was conducted to determine the relationship between parity with the incidence of perineal rupture in maternal mothers, this study was conducted to prove whether there is a relationship between parity with rupture perineum events. This research use analytical survey method by using cross sectional approach. The population in this study were all maternal mothers recorded at Puskesmas Batulicin 1 Kabupaten Tanah Bumbu. Data analysis was done by Chisquare test (P = 0,05). The data obtained were analyzed using chi-square test with significance of 0.05. Chi-Square test results obtained (P = 0,009) there is a close relationship between parity with rupture perineum events. The conclusion of this study was found to have a close relationship between maternal parity with the incidence of perineum rupture in Puskesmas Batulicin 1 Kabupaten Tanah Bumbu. It is expected that maternity mothers will increase their knowledge of good and right way of pushing.