Smoking is burning tobacco which then smoked its contents, both using cigarettes or using pipes. Smoking is free, can relieve stress, improve memory, reduce anxiety, reduce hunger, and improve concentration. The purpose of this study was to determine the relationship between smoking and the incidence of gastritis. This method uses a correlational analytic basis using a cross sectional approach to connect between independent and dependent variables, a population of 263 people and a sample of 72 respondents who smoke, and with a simple random sampling technique. research testing using the Spearman Rank statistical test. Based on the results of the study note that as many as 62% of respondents were heavy smokers, as many as 65% of respondents had moderate gastritis, found that there was a significant relationship between smoking and the incidence of gastritis (p = 0.049, p value (0.00) <α (0.05)) . The conclusion in this study there is a relationship between smoking and the incidence of gastritis and some suggestions can be recommended in the Api-api village community, Kecamatan Kusan Hilir, Kabupaten Tanah Bumbu to reduce the frequency of smoking or stopping smoking in order to prevent gas.