Gout is a disease that attacks joints and bone tissue by a buildup of uric acid crystals, causing inflammation. Lime (Citrus aurantifolia s) contains flavonoids which provide a variety of pharmacological activities, especially to reduce uric acid levels. The aim of this study was to determine the effect of lime juice extraction (Citrus aurantifolia s) on the decrease in uric acid levels in the elderly aged 45-59 years old in Puskesmas Simpang Empat Tanah Bumbu. This study design was quasi experimental with one group pretest posttest. The sample in this study were 20 gout sufferers with 20 respondents by using purposive sampling technique. The instrument used the SOP of lime juice and observation sheet. Analysis of the study by using the Wilcoxon test indicated p-value of 0.00 <0.05 The results indicated that before being given the juice of lime juice, it was found that most experienced high uric acid, then the posttest results found that most of the elderly respondents experienced a decrease in the value of uric acid levels. The conclusion of this study is that there is an effect of lime juice extraction (Citrus aurantifolia s) on the decrease in uric acid levels in the elderly aged 45-59 years old in Puskesmas Simpang Empat. It was recommended to be able to maintain a diet especially avoiding foods that are high in purines. Keywords : Uric Acid, Lime Juice