Breast milk (ASI) is the best natural nutrient for babies because it contains energy needs and substances needed during the first 6 months of a baby’s life. A mother often has problems in exclusive breastfeeding, one of the main obstacles is the non smooth production of breast milk. Based on data obtained from the Simpang Empat health center in July 2019 to February 2020 there were 224 nursing mothers, the number of breastfeeding mothers who gave exclusive breastfeeding was around 73 people and the number of mothers experiencing breast milk production that did not increase there were 37 breastfeeding mothers. This study aims to determine effect of consumption black seed capsules black cumin (nigella sativa l) on increasing milk production in nursing mothers. The researh design uses quasy experiment with pre test and post test without control. The sample in this study amounted to 16 breastfeedusing mothers total sampling techniques. The result of this study using the wilcoxon test in p values 0,005 (0,001) means that there is an effect of consumption black seed capsules black cumin (nigella sativa l) on increasing milk production in nursing mothers. The conclusion of this research is the influence before consumption black seed capsules black cumin (nigella sativa l) and after consumption black seed capsules black cumin (nigella sativa l) on increasing milk production in nursing mothers.