Gout is a disease that has a high prevalence, especially in Indonesia. Increased uric acid can interfere and provide discomfort. This study aims to compare the hyperuresemia effect of ethanol extract black cumin with celery in male mice. The test involved 4 test groups positive control, negative control, black cumin extract and celery extract with 4 mice each group. The parameter observed was a decrease in uric acid levels previously induced by potassium oxonate.
Phytochemical test of black cumin extract and celery contains flavonoids. The average decrease of uric acid in black cumin extract was 0.45, celery extract was 1.5 and allopurinol was 3.3 mg/dL. Significance test for decreased uric acid levels between groups was significant with sig. 0,000 (P <0.05). Celery extract has a better hyperuresemia effect than black cumin but not higher than allopurino